Sunday, November 1, 2009

Before I sleep...I thought I'd rhyme.

I haven't posted anything in a while so I thought I update y'all on what's going on here on base down under...

Full house in the dorm,
2 more nations represent,
We're all still tight,
Getting louder by the night.

It's been busy, it's been trying,
Sometimes I feel like dying,
Not really, that was a little OTT
But everyday's a challenge in breaking me.

In my sorrow, I rejoice
Instead of sulking- that's my choice.
God is love, that's all I need.
No really, That is really all I need.

It's weird how you know things,
Just in your head,
But when something cool/bad happens,
You acknowledge how real God really is and that's just the coolest feeling in the world!

Okay that last verse didn't rhyme,
But my vocab sucks especially at this time,
It's late and it's gonna be busy this week
So I'm nearing the end of my geek streak.

Thus to sum up the past few days,
Well there is so much to say,
But what I really learned was
How to battle each moment by taking a pause,
In between your decisions that you're going to make,
Cos when you choose to make
A choice that goes opposite what you usually do,
It actually works best for me and those around too.

Okay, I just wanna also shout out all the amazing things happened in the past week, thanks to God:
1. I unexpectedly got back the exact amount of cash that I donated 2 weeks ago from a wonderful someone. I thought it was pretty awesome cos I was a little unsure as to whether I was supposed to donate that much. But now, I have as much as I had before! So Yay for a bit of money for mexico!

2. Told my testimony and apologized for a lotta things I did back in the day to a loved one and it went so well, I can't believe how well it went! Firstly, I knew what to say and I usually don't. Secondly, that person reacted in a way totally opposite to what I thought. So thanks to God for the confidence and words to say (Proverbs3) and the people who prayed for me.

3. Felt pretty much on the down low a couple of times but whenever I felt a certain way, God would send random people to tell me what I really needed to hear at the right times and therefore, I made better choices and ended up on a high rather than a lower low.

1 month down...5 to go!

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