Friday, October 23, 2009

The Awesome Shampoo!

Okay, so imagine I've invented a new and improved shampoo product called Free. Why is it called free? Because that is exactly what it is. Free. I created it because I had a dream that everyone would look good with awesomely healthy hair from using this product.

So I knock on your door, and ask if you would like to use this shampoo. I try to convince you that it's a new shampoo that will do wonders to you hair - it would give you the best shine, the best smell, the strongest roots, it works on every type of hair and best of all, it's free! Just judging from what I have told you with a big smile and a sample of Free in my hand, would you accept it for all that it is?

The fact that it is free, you might be attracted just a little, but you would want me to tell you more about it to decide for yourself if it was a scam or whatever. But most of all, you would probably ask for a demonstration cos it seems pretty sketchy that you're being offered free shampoo without seeing how it works.

You're probably a bit confused at why I'm writing this but basically, that free shampoo I'm offering is like Faith in God. You could just nod your heads and accept everything I'm trying to say about God because you respect me maybe, or maybe you're just trying to be polite. But until I live a life that goes in line with what I say, all that I talk about, would just be nothing but hypocritical.

So you might believe that God is real, but if it's just a thought and not an action then it's not really believing at all. We do what we believe. I believe that food is awesome therefore I eat. I believe that my Pantene shampoo makes my hair silky smooth which is why I use it.

Faith without doing is dead. But doing "good" things without faith is dead too.

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